Sunday, September 30, 2012

What Does PMS Stand for and What Does it Mean?

What does PMS mean? PMS is short for Pre-Menstrual Syndrome, a group of symptoms that can afflict women for anywhere from four to seven days before the onset of their periods, leaving them in in misery. These uncomfortable symptoms impact women in different ways, including different symptoms affecting them each month. Some months, in fact, a woman may not experience any PMS symptoms at all. During other months, however, she may suffer from all of them, and be totally unable to go about her daily activities.

PMS is a Legitimate Medical Problem

While there are some people (including some unenlightened physicians) who do not accept PMS as being a legitimate medical condition, it has been recognized as one, and can be extremely debilitating. Up to 85% of women will be faced with dealing with some degree of PMS symptoms during their reproductive lives. PMS occurs approximately seven to ten days before a woman's menstrual period begins, and can include any (or all) of the following:

Menstrual Headaches

* Acne

Sore Breasts


Water Retention

Lower back pain


* Bloating


Getting constipated

* Loss of Libido

* Depression

The symptoms' severity is largely related to the state of balance of one's hormone levels; something that most people are able to exercise some of control over through reducing or eliminating things like caffeine from one's diet. These dietary changes can reduce the hormonal fluctuations that occur both before and during a woman's period. Further, external stress and vitamin deficiencies can increase hormonal fluctuations, triggering an increase in symptoms.

Treating PMS with Conventional Medications

Doctors will generally prescribe either NSAIDs (non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs) or SSRIs (selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors) to attempt to treat PMS symptoms. Conventional medications, however, can only provide a little relief, because all they can do is treat the pain, not the underlying causes, such as the hormone fluctuations, of PMS symptoms. Further, the relief they provide is only for a few hours at a time.

Finding no relief from conventional medications, many women are turning to natural PMS treatments to deal with both their symptoms and the causes thereof. Further, many women believe that using natural PMS remedies will minimize or avoid the side effects that often accompany conventional medications.

Natural Solutions for PMS

Natural PMS treatments include changes in diet and lifestyle as well as utilizing herbal formulations. Dietary changes should be the first step one takes: A diet containing more fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, and lean proteins will strengthen one's system overall, while moderating or eliminating caffeine, sugar, and alcohol have been shown to be effective in regulating one's hormonal levels. Further, it is imperative that one gets adequate hydration; this will help to flush both toxins and the unused uterine lining from one's body. Another thing women can do is make sure they get sufficient rest: the generally accepted amount of sleep one should get nightly is seven or eight hours. In addition to strengthening one's muscles and cardiovascular system, increasing the amount of movement and exercise one does is also effective for relieving painful cramps.


It is vitally important to get the proper daily amounts of vitamins, notably Vitamins A, C, E and K, in order to support the body, especially when it is under the kind of physical stress that accompanies the menstrual cycle. Vitamin E is especially beneficial because it works to reduce swelling and to relax muscles, both of which are important to cramp alleviation. If a woman is among those suffering from PMS, taking a supplement containing vitamin E is will go far in reducing her symptoms.

So, what does PMS mean to women? Depending on a woman's lifestyle, diet, and the supplements she chooses, PMS need not mean anything more than a few days of minor discomfort, because by making a few small changes to her diet and lifestyle, she can eliminate most of her symptoms.

So, what does PMS mean to women? Depending on a woman's lifestyle, diet, and the supplements she chooses, PMS need not mean anything more than a few days of minor discomfort, because by making a few small changes to her diet and lifestyle, she can eliminate most of her symptoms.

Looking to find the best remedies for pms and period pain, then visit to find the best advice on PMS and what does it mean for you.